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• ARCHIVE - 2018 •
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O— White snowflakes closeup.

O— Centrifugal forces work wonders.

O— Caution! Fluffy in the air.

O— We try not to interfere with the stars.

O— Handstand? You are welcome!

O— Is my car cool?

O— Do not be distracted, wave your hand to the audience.

O— Winged.

O— A winter tale: is outside, and will be inside tonight.

O— Piglet in the role of dogs.

O— They gave me nothing.

O— We have agreed to?

O— Home, sweet home.

O— Wow, what he performs.

O— Well, I laugh.

O— High jumper.

O— Each has own toy.

O— Best friends.

O— I do not look at you.

O— The ancient office entertainment.

O— Strong leash to a strongman's dog.

O— On a thin cloth.

O— Stretch up!

O— Big deal!

O— Sunbathing?

O— Give me your toy.

O— Fog in the night.

O— Photobombing.

O— Shouldn't I play balls?

O— Four dogs and a teacher.

O— Hello everybody.

O— Solemn arrival.

O— Congratulations on the beginning!

O— A little more and we will start.

O— Among the spectators.

O— How do people walk on two legs only?

O— Non-standard balancing.

O— Well, shall we make a movie?

O— Exercise on the hippo.

O— The orange level of danger.

O— We will deal with everything.

O— Oh, chef, I'm tickled.

O— Lady, do you know what is equilibrium?

O— Hold on, balls.

O— Interview in intermission.

O— We walk in pairs.

O— Serious pupil, not serious teacher.

O— Our auditorium became more comfortable.

O— Great appetite.

O— And who is now easy?

O— Happy Birthday, Maya!

O— Here is one more flying without chute.

O— Hey, sister, don't be so slow.

O— New season opened.

O— Feeding elephant right on street.

O— Who is main champion here?

O— The main thing is not to get lost.

O— Among fountains and angels.

O— The water is fine, about 25 C.

O— Chief, I'm shy.

O— Fountains, splashes, lights and dances.

O— Lady, better look how we can.

O— Photobomb.

O— I only will touch the water.

O— Balance is found.

O— A goose with a granny.

O— It's time, my beauty, to get up.

O— A bird is improtant part of the clock mechanism.

O— Well, here we are meeting.

O— Shaggy, let's dance.

O— On a small raft.

O— Champions at the cleaning day.

O— Does your beard prevent you from putting a record?

O— We will meet, no doubt.

O— Mother of dragons?

O— Almost unreal structure.

O— Fountains, splashes, dances.

O— Stray pelican.

O— Мы непременно встретимся.

O— No need to dance with me, just support.

O— A graceful turn in the fog.

O— Hello everybody.

O— With one right hand only.

O— Corsairs.

O— Freeze everybody! This is the show!

O— Small but pretty.

O— All we twist hoops.

O— Main thing for us, guys - do not meet.

O— Fluffy handsome.

O— In a ring.

O— Serious rider.

O— Well, here you are finishing your game, clown.

O— Leaping and flying dogа.

O— Extremely tidy pirate.

O— Let the People's Artist joins to our collective.

O— Working blindly.

O— Hot dance.

O— And all that lifts and rotates somwhere.

O— Talking privately.

O— The equilibrist walked on his hands as if on his feet...

O— The pirate meeting.

O— Hurry, hurry!

O— Real happiness. True joy.

O— Pegasus can dance.

O— Equilibrists work.

O— Riding on a lion. Sea lion.

O— We are standing on the watch, while they are having fun.

O— Среди железа.

O— Here is B. Schumacher on the arena.

O— I have not done anything yet.

O— Good moment to make selfie.

O— Lady with a dog.

O— Open space.

O— Let's jump amd clap.

O— Pirate dance.

O— Let me out on the big road!

O— While all that lifts...

O— This is my version of horizontal stand.

O— Ants drag such loads all their lifetime.

O— Enchanting, romantic and skilfully.

O— How is this done?

O— Clown in the open air.

O— The heights always attract the highlanders.

O— I'm tired and resting...

O— Well, persuade me.

O— Valuable employee is always carried on the hands.

O— Movement in the air.

O— With prelibation.

O— We start water procedures.

O— Movement in the upper atmosphere.

O— Expressing with gestures.

O— Pointsmen from Scotland.

O— Walking vertically upward

O— It seems the rain is starting.

O— Working in three dimensions.

O— Here is a landing area for you.

O— Letter T, front view.

O— I'm treating you today.

O— What a restless brother - flies back and forth.

O— Aloft.

O— Hair actually stood on end.

O— Assa!

O— What dedication!

O— We'll make a pilot from this sailor.

O— Wall to wall.

O— Look what good spectators are in Gomel.

O— And the clown can be amused.

O— We fly off, guys.

O— Well-coordinated team.

O— Give a way to lady.

O— A small rider.

O— You spend with your balls all time, at least pay attention.

O— Snake-shaped bracelette.

O— Hang up and enjoy.

O— With ardent greetings.

O— Mysterious oriental themes.

O— Amid the stellar dust.

O— The boss himself accompanies us.

O— Jet dandies.

O— Super hedgehogs.

O— On St.Valentine Day, we play beautifully for you.

O— Multi-colored pursuit.

O— Hang-up, hang down and sitting.

O— He walked on arena together with Toto and Croco.

O— Juggler tricks.

O— If just not the cage, I would already fly.

O— Almost dzhigit on almost horse.

O— Take off higher.

O— C'mon, my dear.

O— Young man, shall you dance with an orange dog?

O— Swallow among the stars.

O— It smells good.

O— Low five.

O— Strangers in the night...

O— This moment, I actually bear the horse.

O— What the encounter!

O— I'll sing right now.

O— The man fully in his car.

O— Chief, I have only these fluffy paws.

O— A fancy hat with a polecat.

O— Well, they will go down now but my hands are busy.

O— Double Hi to the space.

O— Father Frost, Snow Maiden, the fur tree - it means the New Year has come.
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» Archive 2017 
Ограничение ответственности

Отдельные моменты, запечатленные на представленных в настоящем разделе фотографиях, носят случайный характер, иногда намеренно вырваны из контекста и могут не отражать реальную сущность данных цирковых номеров или событий, тем более не могут являться иллюстрацией нарушений всякого рода кодексов и законов, в том числе законов физики, биологии и прочих наук, а также возможных несовершенств нашего мира.

Подписи к большей части размещенных здесь фотографий носят исключительно воображаемый характер, не соотносящийся с иллюстрируемыми реальными процессами и/или фактами, и приведены единственно с целью создания юмористического фона.

Авторы фотографий в настоящем разделе и подписей к ним никоим образом не ставили, не ставят и не предполагают ставить целью ущемление или оскорбление чьих-либо чувств, верований и/или воззрений, представлений, устремлений, фантазий, мечтаний или надежд, в связи с чем заранее приносят свои извинения, если таковое по какой-либо непредусмотренной причине все же будет иметь место.

Претензии материального характера не принимаются.

! i Please send us your amusing photos taken in Gomel State Circus or around it to E-mail: gomel-circus@yandex.by
© Gomel State Circus
27 Sovetskaya St., 246050 Gomel, Belarus • Tel.: +375( 232) 337782 • E-mail: adm@gomel-circus.by